What is a chanterelle mushroom and where it can be found?
Chanterelle mushroom is a mushroom which growns mainly in hardwood European forests but it can be found in other parts of the world including Africa, North and Central America. Although there are many species, some of which are more common in different parts of the world, the most common is the golden chanterelle mushroom (latin Cantharellus cibarius). Despite being commonly used in Europe and America, chanterelle extracts are used also in traditional Chinese medicine.
They are one of the most popular wide edible mushrooms. They are yellow, light orange or white, funnel-shaped and meaty. Almost every of the chanterelle species has a fruity, apricot-like aroma and have a very mild pepperly taste.
Chanterelles Nutrition Facts
According to U.S. Department of Food and Agriculture 1 cup (around 54g) of raw chanterelle mushrooms contains:
- Calories: 17.3
- Sodium: 4.9 mg
- Fiber: 2.1 g
- Fat: 0.3 g
- Sugars: 0.6 g
- Protein: 0.8 g
- Carbohydrates: 3.7 g
· The glycemic index of chanterelle mushrooms isn’t known although the glycemic load of a serving of chanterelles is estimated to be two, making these mushrooms a low glycemic food.

Chanterelles and amino acids
Amino acids are very important for human health but not all of them are produced by the human body. This is why some of them must be consumed in food. Chanterelles provide many of the essential amino acids which are the building blocks of protein.
Vitamins and minerals
Chanterelle mushrooms are very good source of the following vitamins: riboflavin, niacin and vitamin D. Also they provides copper – a mineral which helps human body to have good immune function. Copper also helps the function of the nervous system and brain development.
Flavonoids for better Immune Function
Because of the containing of flavonoids like myricetin and catechin, chanterelle mushrooms improve immune system and have antioxidant, anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory effect. Other benefits from the flavonoids are:
– Better heart health: the fiber in chanterelle mushrooms can reduce the cholesterol levels
– Reduce risk of a prostate cancer: men who consume mushrooms more that 2-3 times per week have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer
– Reduce risk of infectious disease and better bone health because of the containing of vitamin D
How to consume
Chanterelle is a type of mushroom that has a meaty texture which provides heartiness to meat-free dishes. It can be found fresh, frozen or dried and be prepared different. Fans of the mushrooms say that they can be paired with anything (fish, meat, vegetables, etc.)
In France they are called “girole” or “girolle” and very often they are added to savory dishes or pasta.
Keep in mind that a single serving of chanterelle mushrooms provides just 0.3 grams of fat, but if you cook them in butter or oil the fat intake will be higher.
Chanterelle mushroom allergies are very rare but it isn’t impossible for human body to has an unwanted reaction to certain varieties.
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